Year: 2024

SLJ : Colour block landscape Step it up

Kia ora bloggers,
Hope you have been having an amazing day, Today I have brought to you the step it up activity for Colour block landscape. What do you think of when you hear the title? Do you think of arts , dance , colours , nature , building , architecture or others? I think of arts, colours and building because of the word landscape. But anyways, let’s talk about the task. What the task is about is to make a google drawing and to make a scenery picture on the beach. You may be wondering what I mean by that?

Well.. We use Google drawings and the tools on Google drawings to create a picture. These tools are shapes, lines, images and more! But the setting this time has to be on a beach, You can make it a sun or a moon or when the sun is setting. It is up to you. The picture will kind of set a picture in your mind of for example a beach and the sunset. I am so sorry if it doesn’t quite make sense…

To help us we could skim through this video which is called how to make a Summer beach scene in google drawings.
Now that you may understand a bit more,  here is what my work looks like

Hope you liked it.
REFLECTION :  I love how it turned out and I hope you liked it too, I like the sunset and I loved making the palm trees and boats. How it turned out is just my favourite part! It looks very real and I tried my best to make the back gradient look nice. In my opinion this is the best task , I loved doing this task and I think this was a very fun task to do. The trickiest part of this task was to make up the idea of what you want it to look like. I looked at different pictures to see what sunset fitted best. Also if you have any suggestions please let me know, I always try to make my work the best possible.

I hope you enjoyed this blog.
Have an amazing day
See you in my next blog post

SLJ : Colour block landscape Kickstart

Hi bloggers!
I have currently done another SLJ activity, What is this activity you may ask? Well it’s called Colour block landscape. Just by the title I could tell it’s going to be a little bit artsy, When you first saw this title what thought grew in your mind of what this task is about? Let me know in the comments, Colour block landscape is a task all about making a google drawing and learning about how to make a picture. We have to learn about a lot of things before this. In this task we can use shapes and lines to make the Colour block landscape picture. This picture can be at any time, with any setting.

The setting I chose for my picture is at night in the mountains. I thought this turned out pretty cool. I think I like how it turned out. The moon shines over everything so each mountain as you go down gets darker and darker and eventually it gets pitch black. Do you know what the word for that is? If you do let me know or take a guess!!

I think this looks pretty cool, I am definitely going to go for the step it up challenge after this.  This task can require a lot of patience but it’s worth it in my opinion. Anyways here is how it turned out,
I hope you like it .

I think it’s quite nice. But I bet my next picture for the step it up one is going to be even better ( I took a sneak peek at the step it up activity ) .
Here is my reflection…

REFLECTION – I like how it turned out although some parts are uneven but it is okay. This was my first time ever doing this so I found it quite hard. But I enjoyed every second of making it. I look forward to doing the next task, because it sounds very fun! I hope I can improve on this . If you have any suggestions let me know :))!
I have a question for you readers  , Is art a subject you like or no? If you don’t like it or you like it feel free to let me know your reasons on why you dislike it or why you like it.

Have an amazing day bloggers,
Make sure to stay tuned for my step it up  challenge

SLJ : Bug of the year Step it up

Hi bloggers,
Hope you have been having an amazing summer. I have completed another SLJ activity. This is the step up activity for Bug of the year. The task for this is to make a google drawing which includes facts, and more such as description, habitat, diet,distribution, Size range and life cycle about any bug of your choice, I decided to choose a Monarch butterfly, I chose a monarch butterfly because I thought it would be so cool to research about. But I had trouble choosing which one and when I heard monarch butterflies are commonly seen in New Zealand in the part where I live . So that’s why I chose this bug to be what I make a bug profile about.

There was a template we could use but I found that I wanted to make my own. I changed it up a bit  but I made sure to use the same information such as to add the facts listed that we must add.  I love how it looks so you can tell me your thoughts.

Here it is!

I like how it turned out, do you? They look so pretty but whenever I am around one I seem a bit nervous. I think I will stick to looking at pictures online…

REFLECTION – The bug profile turned out good, I like my vines idea and also how I laid it all out. Glad I stuck to 3 pictures instead of adding more as 3+ would be to hectic and full on the screen I guess. And there would be no room for facts! What is a bug profile without facts and information…!!! I liked the facts and information I put on it .
What is your favourite bug or insect? If you have one, why do you find it your favourite?

Thanks for checking out this blog post,
Have the best summer and see you in my next one.

SLJ : Bug of the year Kick start

Kia ora bloggers,
I have done another SLJ task, this task is called bug of the year. Bug of the year is a pretty interesting name right? What do you think this task is about? Well if you guessed bugs… then you’re right! For this task we had to check out the instructions then make a  copy of a google drawing and start creating an amazing bug.. But wait hold one moment. On the side of the google drawing there are some steps and some shapes to help us get started with our bug. But we still have to start from scratch.

Creating a bug from scratch is honestly not as easy as it sounds. You have to put the thought into the name, how it’s gonna look, the colours and so so much more! I used so many different shapes like a hexagon, circle and more. I also used images but almost all of them are shapes and lines. It was tricky to make it look the best I could. But it was worth it.  I love how it turned out and I hope you feel the same too.
Now here is what my bug turned out like. I mixed a bunch of different animals ahah.

I hope you like it! In case you’re wondering I kind of got inspiration from a caterpillar and a turtle but added different details. I also came up with the name from it’s hunched back, I used the word hunched and then there was the word smile because this bug has such a big smile so I took away the SM and BOOM!. Above there is how to say the name.

REFLECTION : It looks so good in my opinion , I love how it turned out and I love the big smile.  I also love just love how it looks overall. I decided to put a little point to say what these parts are and for. If you have any feedback or recommendations let me know in the comments!
Have you ever created bugs before? If you haven’t given it a try then give it a try, It is so much fun to do .

Have an amazing summer,
And thank you so much for checking out this blog post and learning with me.
Byee!!! :))

SLJ : Snakes and Ladders Step it up

Hi bloggers!
I have done another task, This task for SLJ is called Snakes and ladders. What the task is about is to make a copy of the game snakes and ladders ( Made on slideshows ) then to find people to play with and play the game! This activity is just like the  kick start activity but instead of doing addition or subtraction… We are doing multiplication and division! I am so excited for this cause I have memorised them from 1-12 so yeah!
But there is a twist, for this activity we have to make our own game of snakes and ladders! There is a template for us to use and we just make up equations either multiplication or division .

Just in case you are wondering…
” What are Snakes and ladders??” ,  Well snakes and ladders is a fun game to play with either 2-4 players. How to play this exactly? Well you roll a dice and whichever player gets the highest number on the dice roll gets to go first. The first person to get to the end wins, There are Snakes and Ladders in this game as well to help. If you land at the bottom of the snake’s tail you can slide up it and now you are at a higher point which helps you to win, Same for the ladders. This game is usually played as a board game but can be played online like this task!

Anyways, here is what my game looks like and I made a game of my own, Have a try at playing it and answering the questions.
Time for reflection
REFLECTION – I think this was fun, this time I played with my Mum and Sister. This task is fun to do, I really enjoyed doing this. Also I liked making my own game, Have a shot at playing it! I am glad I got my family members to play instead of just my sister haha, Do you have this board game? If you do, do you enjoy playing it?
Thank you so much for checking out this blog post,
Have an amazing day!

SLJ : Snakes and ladders Kickstart

Hi bloggers!
I have currently done another task. This task is called Snakes and ladders, hearing this name I was like.. The game snakes and ladders?
What the task is about is to make a copy of the template, which has the game snakes and ladders set out for you. It either has addition equations or subtraction. You can choose! Then find people to play with and play the game with your family and friends! I think this task is quite a fun task.

Wait what are snakes and ladders you may be thinking?
Well snakes and ladders are a fun game to play with 2-4 players. The objective of the game is to get to the end. You roll a dice and whoever gets the most numbers on that 1 dice roll gets to go first. In the game there are snakes and ladders. If you are at the tail you slide on to the top which leads you further. There are also ladders which do the same thing. Hope that made you understand a bit more

I think for this task it turned out well. I liked playing the game and solving the equations. Maths is one of my favourite subjects so I worked out these equations easily.  This task is very unique compared to the previous tasks I have done. Anyways, here is what my snakes and ladders game looks like.!

I only played with my older sister because she was the one that I was able to convince haha!
Now it’s time for our reflection
REFLECTION – I like how this task was set out. I think me and my sister did well answering these questions / equations as they were really simple. Which is good, I also think the person that made this task deserves a round of applause it was fun to do and really easy to understand. So yeah!
Thank you so much for checking out this blog post
See you in my next one,

SLJ : Under the sea Step it up

Hi bloggers!
I have completed another task, This task is called Under the sea step it up, When I was doing the kick start activity I wondered what would the task be? Well.. The task is to make an underwater robot using google drawings . There were instructions on how to do these tasks on the side, which were very helpful. On the side there were also pictures of inspiration of what we could make our robot look like ( Real life photos ) . I thought those robots looked really cool and are really cool because they are able to help with a lot of things like getting footage, information and so much more. I wanted to make my robot kind of useful in some way? I tried making the colours work and looked at the images to see what I could add to it . Once I finished the design of the robot I would make a description ( Detailed ) on what it has and how it is useful.

I built my robot by using shapes, and lines. I added lots of handy features like a camera, hand and so much more. I tried my  best to make it look nice and actually so it could kinda be useful. I think it turned out nicely, The robot looked nice in my opinion , I liked using the gradient feature to colour the robot parts because I think it looked really nice.

Here is how it looks

I tried my best on this task so I hope you like it!
Anyways time for the reflection!
REFLECTION : I like how I used the gradient feature / tool. It worked out well and I think I thought well about the design but I don’t have any feedback for myself, But if you do please let me know I would love to hear it and put that feedback into my work. Do you like how this turned out? And have you ever made or seen a underwater robot online or in real life?
Thank you so much for checking out my blog post!
See you in my next one,


SLJ : Under the sea Kickstart

Hi bloggers!
Hope you have been having an amazing day so far, I have just completed another task for the Summer learning journey! This task is called… Under the sea! When I first heard this name I wondered what this task was about, I imagined maybe to create a poster about different sea creatures but I was wrong. What the task for the kick start activity is actually about making a picture on google slides about what’s under the sea, we could choose which sea creatures we wanted. I chose the ones I would love to see underwater but wouldn’t swim with..

I chose to have 4 different underwater sea creatures. The 4 sea creatures are…

1. Dolphins
Did you know that dolphins shed their outer layer skin every 2 hours that means 12 times a day! I find dolphins majestic but a bit scary..? I have seen dolphins before like jumping in and out of the water but I have never been able to see like the face of the dolphin and see the full dolphin. In photos they look so amazing.

2. Sea horse
Have you ever wondered if a sea horse is fast or slow? Well a seahorse is the slowest fish species, Crazy right? You would expect them to be the fastest not the slowest! Their slowness is because of their tiny fin.  I like how seahorses can be so many colours, they look so pretty but some do look a bit…

3. Turtle
Fun fact, Turtles are one of the oldest in the reptile world passing snakes, crocodiles and alligators, it’s amazing how long they have been in this world. They have been around for around 230 million years!! That means they were there in the dinosaur age. I find turtles majestic as well, the way they move around I find it so cute. But I am scared they would bite me..

4. Jellyfish
Did you know that jellyfish have no brain,heart, bones or eyes? But what they do have is a mouth, this mouth can be found in the centre of the body. This is so cool for me because I did not know they have no heart, brain, bones or eyes. They are so cool looking but I definitely wouldn’t swim with them…

To conclude those long facts.. You can just say I wouldn’t swim with them, but I would take photos of them and like to get a full view of them!
Anyways here is my work.

I like how I used a real life background, I am pretty sure I saw this idea for the real life background on the saturday special when I was seeing the new tasks. I check everyday for the new tasks and I hope I can catch up..

REFLECTION : I think I did well, I like how I did the background and I think it all goes well together. I tried choosing a darker blue vibe so it was like you were really deep down. If you have any recommendations for me please let me know, it would help me so much.
Thank you for choosing this blog post.


SLJ : Rebus Puzzles Step it up

Hi bloggers!
Woah we have done so many tasks so far, I hope I can catch up soon aha!
Anyways , I have done another task the task is called Rebus Puzzles. If you have seen my previous post you will see that I did the kick start but now I am going into the Step it up! This activity is really cool. For this activity it is to make some puzzles, When I say puzzles I mean like those emoji ones, They are quite interesting to do !
We can either create a Google slideshow or a Google doc. I chose to make a slideshow, this slideshow contains 4 different puzzles. Each one gets slightly harder each time, the first one uses words and the rest are emojis. I made my slideshow look the best I could so I hope you enjoy it, And the slideshow will not contain the answers except for the first puzzle.

But before I show you the slideshow, I will show you an example slideshow I made for you to be able to understand how to do it, You can use a pen and paper to work it out if you want. Or you can picture it in your mind. This slideshow includes how to do it step by step. And you can also try working out the puzzle inside of it as well!

I love how I made the puzzle area! I hope you find this slideshow helpful 🙂
If you don’t quite understand from the example that is perfectly fine too! I can help, you can leave comments asking for help if you need.
Now if you understand how to do it, I am so glad that it helped out a bit. You can take a look at these Rebus Puzzles and try your best to work them out, remember you might not always get it the first try but it is alright. Rock it!

Here are my Rebus puzzles
I really hope that you enjoyed them, I tried my best to make them work. I had to scratch a lot of puzzle ideas. But I love how it turned out.
Let’s get to our reflection

REFLECTION – I love how it turned out, I think this is one of the funnest activities to do after tangrams. Even though I had to decline some puzzle ideas of mine, I like how the puzzles I ended up with were. They were a bit tricky for some of the people I tested it out with. Also probably my favourite part of the design is the puzzle  pieces, I think they worked out well together and I am proud of how I made it. Though it is not perfect it is amazing in my opinion.  What do you think about these puzzles? Did you enjoy them? Have you ever made Rebus puzzles before?

Thank you so much for checking out this blog post
Have an amazing day
See you in my next blog post
Bye!! :))

SLJ : Rebus Puzzles Kickstart

Hi bloggers!
Today I have done another SLJ activity , This activity is called Rebus puzzles. When I first saw this name  in my mind I was thinking… What are Rebus Puzzles? I had pictured something similar to tangrams but no! This shows that the title can be important and can intrigue people.
Rebus Puzzles Kickstarter activity is to make a Google doc, The Google doc will have a story but some of the words will be emojis. This is so interesting because the readers that are checking out this blog post are able to try and guess what the words are. Also the Author has to try and make a story and make sure the emojis kind of make sense? What I mean by making sense is basically like trying to make the emojis relate to the story  and like that emoji has to replace a word. Hope that made sense

But before we started this task we had to start by watching and exploring the videos.  I learnt how to put emojis in a Google doc, this video was quite helpful for me because before I didn’t quite know hot to put emojis into a Google doc.  I think the hardest part about this is making the storyline. But then again we didn’t have to create a whole novel, it just has to be a quite short story.
Anyways here is how my story looks!

I hope you liked it!
I found this activity really fun to do.
I  think I did better than I expected, The story turned out quite nice and I enjoyed how the emojis kind of made sense? This was my 1st time doing this i’m pretty sure.  Just wondering.. Have you ever done this before, If you have I would love to see your work! Also if you have done it before did you enjoy it and did you like how your story turned out?

Make sure to check out my step it up activity !
Keep shining
Have the best summer!