SLJ : Rebus Puzzles Kickstart

Hi bloggers!
Today I have done another SLJ activity , This activity is called Rebus puzzles. When I first saw this name  in my mind I was thinking… What are Rebus Puzzles? I had pictured something similar to tangrams but no! This shows that the title can be important and can intrigue people.
Rebus Puzzles Kickstarter activity is to make a Google doc, The Google doc will have a story but some of the words will be emojis. This is so interesting because the readers that are checking out this blog post are able to try and guess what the words are. Also the Author has to try and make a story and make sure the emojis kind of make sense? What I mean by making sense is basically like trying to make the emojis relate to the story  and like that emoji has to replace a word. Hope that made sense

But before we started this task we had to start by watching and exploring the videos.  I learnt how to put emojis in a Google doc, this video was quite helpful for me because before I didn’t quite know hot to put emojis into a Google doc.  I think the hardest part about this is making the storyline. But then again we didn’t have to create a whole novel, it just has to be a quite short story.
Anyways here is how my story looks!

I hope you liked it!
I found this activity really fun to do.
I  think I did better than I expected, The story turned out quite nice and I enjoyed how the emojis kind of made sense? This was my 1st time doing this i’m pretty sure.  Just wondering.. Have you ever done this before, If you have I would love to see your work! Also if you have done it before did you enjoy it and did you like how your story turned out?

Make sure to check out my step it up activity !
Keep shining
Have the best summer!


2 thoughts on “SLJ : Rebus Puzzles Kickstart

  1. Kia ora Jolin,

    I had the exact same thought when I first saw the title. What is a rebus puzzle? I pictured a game similar to Tetris if you know it. It was an old game where you basically move blocks around to fit and make a whole line. If you’re unsure what I mean, if you google Tetris it should pop up. There is a modern version of it still available to play.

    I thought I’d challenge myself to decode the first part of your story.

    Once upon a time there was 2 girls they both had two different talents, one had the talent of singing and the other had the talent of cooking.

    I could have kept going, it was such a good story and so easy for me to read despite you changing out words for emojis. You’ve done a great job. I like how they didn’t succeed the first time but they kept at it and eventually they did succeed. There is a valuable lesson in that. We never get it 100% the first time do we.

    What are your talents?


    1. Kia ora Anna,
      Yes I have heard of Tetris, I have played a game similar to Tetris on Maths Playground. It is so fun,Great that you decided to challenge yourself. It is always best to challenge yourself. You did a lovely job on it, that is all correct. I am glad you were able to find it easy to read. I tried my best to make it make sense. Truly that is a valuable lesson, we never get it completely right the first time. I have hobbies and talents which are.. Dance ( Hip hop,Ballet,Jazz and Acro ) , Violin and piano. I love doing these things so much.
      Do you have any talents or hobbies?
      Have an amazing day

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